F. Alex Embree


Practice Areas:  Criminal, Family, General Litigation

Alex joined Weldon McInnis after being called to the bar in October 2006. He practices general litigation, with a focus on criminal and family law.

Alex holds a Bachelor of Arts in history from McGill University and a Bachelor of Laws from Dalhousie University. He is a member of the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society.

Alex speaks fluent French and conversational Spanish. An avid sea-kayaker and sailor, Alex was born and raised in the Halifax area, and lives there with his wife and three children.

E-mail: aembree@weldonmcinnis.ca
Phone:  (902) 446-0571
Fax: (902) 463-4452

Assistant: Jocelyn Lockhart 
E-mail: JLockhart@weldonmcinnis.ca
Phone: 902-446-0581


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