Nancy G. Rideout


Practice Areas: Family Law (including Collaborative), Real Estate, Wills and Estates

Nancy G Rideout, a native of Dartmouth, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Mount Saint Vincent University in 1978 and a Bachelor of Laws from Dalhousie University in 1981. She was admitted to the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society in December 1981.

Nancy practiced law in many capacities throughout her career including Assistant Secretary Treasurer of the NS Barristers Society, Crown Counsel, Corporate In-House Counsel and Private Practice.

Nancy’s current practice is primarily dedicated to family law which includes the following:

  • Divorce – both traditional and collaborative;
  • Variation of Divorce Orders;
  • Common-Law Separation;
  • Child Custody and Support;
  • Spousal Support;
  • Co-habitation, Prenup, and Separation Agreements; and
  • Adoptions.

Nancy also represents clients on property sales, purchases, refinances and migrations. Preparing Wills, Powers of Attorney, Personal Directives, and Estate administration is also a part of Nancy’s practice.

A member of the Nova Scotia Association of Collaborative Family Law Professionals and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, Nancy offers her clients an alternate process for divorce and other family matters known as the “Collaborative Process”. While she continues to conduct cases in the traditional, adversarial system before the courts, Nancy believes that families are better suited to an “interest based negotiation” approach to resolving their issues with a team of professionals outside the courtroom. In choosing the collaborative process, clients will be empowered, with guidance and advice from their lawyers, to reach a settlement on all of the issues which is specifically tailored to meet the needs of their unique family. The process allows the parties to conclude their proceedings in a timely and respectful manner, crafting an agreement to which both parties and children can adapt while moving forward with their lives. More information on the collaborative process can be found by clicking on the links below.

Nancy is a member of the Canadian Bar Association, the Federation of Law Societies and sits on the Executive Committee of LAP (Lawyer Assistance Program). She is a past lecturer in Business Law at Mount Saint Vincent University.

In her spare time, Nancy enjoys reading, music, walking, cycling, mindfulness meditation and practice, great food, and fabulous wine. She achieved her Certified Sommelier Designation in 2009 and has been active as a former Board Member and judge with the Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers and local wine associations. Nancy has volunteered on an executive level and raised funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada. She also enjoys travelling to wine districts around the world.

“During the course of my legal practice journey, I have met many individuals from all walks of life with varying and unique legal issues. I continue to be grateful and privileged for the opportunity to work with all of my clients, helping them move forward and transition, step by step, toward resolution and a place of greater strength, independence, and equanimity. My clients are the heart of my practice and I dedicate my efforts to serving their best interests.”  NGR

Phone:  (902) 446-0528
Fax: (902) 463-4452

Assistant: Maddy Nelson
Phone: (902) 446-0591

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