Shirley Shi 石 黎


Practice Areas: Shirley Shi is a lawyer practicing in real estate, corporate law, commercial transactions, and wills and estates.

Shirley obtained her undergraduate degree in International Law from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in China. She subsequently earned a LLM in International Commercial Law from the University of Leicester in the UK, and completed the International Lawyer Program at the University of British Columbia in Canada. She holds qualifications as a lawyer in both China and Canada, providing legal services in Chinese and English.

Prior to joining our firm, Shirley gained valuable experience working with esteemed law firms and corporations, including Zhong Lun Law Firm, Hilton Worldwide, Ping’an Trust, and McInnes Cooper law firm. Her professional journey involved advising clients on a range of matters related to commercial real estate development and operation, M&A, private equity investment, and complex international transactions.

Notably, Shirley has contributed pro-bono legal support to the United Nations World Food Programme, facilitating partnerships with major poverty alleviation foundations in mainland China.

Shirley’s global perspective and rich experiences empower her to deliver practical and actionable advice that aligns with the dynamic needs of her clients.



在加入本所之前,石律师曾在多家知名律师事务所和企业工作,主要为商业房地产开发和运营、并购、私募股权及复杂的跨境交易提供法律服务。她历任中伦律师事务所上海分所的资深律师,希尔顿酒店集团大中华区的法务总监,中国平安信托的法务执行总监,McInnes Cooper 律师事务所的律师,具有丰富的法律从业经验。


Phone: (902)-446-0498

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